Tracing the Provenance of Linked Data using voiD
Research paper on provenance tool voidp, an extension to void, by Tope Omitola, Landong Zuo, Ian C. Millard, Hugh Glaser, Nicholas Gibbins and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper on provenance tool voidp, an extension to void, by Tope Omitola, Landong Zuo, Ian C. Millard, Hugh Glaser, Nicholas Gibbins and Nigel Shadbolt
The talk was “entitled Co-rereference and”.
It took place at the University of Bristol on the 14th Of January 2011. The aims of the UKOLN (the United Kingdom Office for Library and Information Networking) are to inform policy and practice in the areas of digital libraries, metadata and resource discovery, distributed library and information systems, bibliographic management, and web technologies. It is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils and the European Union.
Prof Dame Wendy Hall and Hugh Glaser both gave presentations at a study day organised for the ResearchSpace Project by the British Museum on “Cultural Heritage and the Semantic Web British Museum”.
The event was attended by both policy-makers and technologists from cultural institutions from around the world. Dame Wendy gave a keynote address, and Hugh gave a presentation on “Museum data, where next consuming linked data”.
Seme4 were also pleased to support the event by providing sponsorship.
At the recent International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) in Shanghai, Seme4 researchers were again active.
Wendy Hall, Nigel Shadbolt, Hugh Glaser and Ian Millard were all able to attend, and take part in the lively discussions.
They had papers in both the main ISWC conference (on “How to Reuse a Faceted Classification and Put it on the Semantic Web”) and the important associated First International Workshop On Consuming Linked Data (COLD2010) on “Consuming Multiple Linked Data Sources: Challenges and Experiences” and “Linked Timelines: Temporal Representation and Management in Linked Data”.
Research paper discussing the challenges of using multiple sources of Linked Data by Ian C. Millard, Hugh Glaser, Manuel Salvadores and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper by Bene Rodriguez-Castro, Hugh Glaser, and Leslie Carr
Seme4 was strongly represented at the recent International Conference on Advances and Emerging Trends in Computing Technologies in Chennai, India.
Hugh Glaser, our Chief Architect gave both a Plenary session and an extended tutorial on The Semantic Web and Linked Data.
Research paper describing an architecture to support the discovery of useful links between items across data sets by Manuel Salvadores, Gianluca Correndo, Martin Szomszor, Yang Yang, Nick Gibbins, Ian Millard, Hugh Glaser and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper presenting an algorithm for RDF data mediation by Gianluca Correndo, Manuel Salvadores, Ian Millard, Hugh Glaser and Nigel Shadbolt