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Nigel Shadbolt on open data in government and business, writing in Google’s Think Quarterly magazine
Links to papers, talks and other publications in the media, highlighting the academic research and thought leadership undertaken by Seme4 founders and staff
Nigel Shadbolt on open data in government and business, writing in Google’s Think Quarterly magazine
Research paper on Distributed Human Computation (DHC) by Yang Yang, Priyanka Singh, Jiadi Yao, Ching-man Au Yeung, Amir Zareian, Xiaowei Wang, Zhonglun Cai, Manuel Salvadores, Nicholas Gibbins, Wendy Hall, and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper by Manuel Salvadores, Gianluca Correndo, Steve Harris, Nick Gibbins, and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper on the challenges of the design of Linked Data browsers by M. C. Schraefel, Daniel A. Smith, Igor O. Popov, Max Van Kleek and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper on the challenges of and solutions for integrating data sets by Tope Omitola, Christos L. Koumenides, Igor O. Popov, Yang Yang, Manuel Salvadores, Gianluca Correndo, Wendy Hall and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper on provenance tool voidp, an extension to void, by Tope Omitola, Landong Zuo, Ian C. Millard, Hugh Glaser, Nicholas Gibbins and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper on temporal representation by Gianluca Correndo, Manuel Salvadores, Ian Millard and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper reflective practice in Web Science by Kieron OHara and Wendy Hall
Research paper by Marcus Cobden, Jennifer Black, Nicholas Gibbins, and Nigel Shadbolt
Research paper discussing the challenges of using multiple sources of Linked Data by Ian C. Millard, Hugh Glaser, Manuel Salvadores and Nigel Shadbolt